
2009年9月15日—了解共用資料夾與Windows防火牆·DirecthostingofSMBoverTCP/IP·TheuseofTCPport445inWindows2000·WhatisMicrosoft-DS?,,2023年3月21日—Toopenthefirewallportsandenablefileandprintersharing,completethefollowingsteps:OpenControlPanel,selectSystemandSecurity ...,2023年12月26日—Bydefault,afirewallclosestheportsthatareusedforfileandprintsharing....port445(TCPandUDP).TechnicalsupportforWindows ....

開啟CIFS SMB UNC 連線應開放哪些Ports 與注意事項

2009年9月15日 — 了解共用資料夾與Windows 防火牆 · Direct hosting of SMB over TCP/IP · The use of TCP port 445 in Windows 2000 · What is Microsoft-DS?


2023年3月21日 — To open the firewall ports and enable file and printer sharing, complete the following steps: Open Control Panel, select System and Security ...

Internet firewalls prevent file sharing

2023年12月26日 — By default, a firewall closes the ports that are used for file and print sharing. ... port 445 (TCP and UDP). Technical support for Windows ...

Windows File Sharing with SMB

2023年2月20日 — In modern and supported versions of Windows, File and Printer Sharing services use TCP port 445 for direct TCP/IP communications. When you need ...

What port or ports are used for File sharing in windows?

2014年6月6日 — I've seen all of these..file sharing related. UDP-137, UDP-138, TCP-139,TCP-445. And possibly TCP port 135, though that may be something to ...

Shares not accessible by other computers if Windows 10 ...

2016年4月6日 — Firstly, go to Windows Defender Firewall on Local Computer (that has shared folders) then select Advanced settings Windows Defender Firewall ...

What Is An SMB Port

2021年3月26日 — When SMB runs over NetBIOS, port 139 is used for session service, allowing clients to connect with servers and access shared resources. Modern ...

What is an SMB Port? A Detailed Description of Ports 445 + ...

2023年7月18日 — What are Ports 139 and 445? SMB is a network file sharing protocol that requires an open port on a computer or server to communicate with other ...

What is an SMB Port + Ports 445 and 139 Explained

What Are Ports 139 And 445? SMB has always been a network file sharing protocol. As such, SMB requires network ports on a computer or server to enable ...